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Android Marshmallow is growing at a rapid pace

Android Marshmallow is growing at a rapid pace


Android 6.0 Marshmallow is still the most dated Android operating system from Google, since Android 7.0 Nougat has not yet been offered in any device (though it will be available soon). That means Marshmallow will be the most dated version of Android for a few more weeks till the updates start rolling out by smartphone vendors. After that, Android Nougat will start gaining the market share.

Android OS Market Share

Android Marshmallow is Growing

Last month we saw Android Marshmallow crossing 10% mark in Android OS market share. Now Android 6.0 has increased by more than 3% in the market share, standing at 13.3%. Though the growth seems pretty fast than the previous versions of android that grew relatively slower, but it is still the 4th biggest version of Android OS after Lollipop that stands at more than 35%, Kitkat that stands at about 30%, and Jelly Bean that stands at 17.8%. It will take Android Marshmallow at least two more months to surpass the years old Jelly bean, while Lollipop will retain the top spot for a few more months.
While Android's pre Project Butter devices are now below 2% each, as Ice Cream Sandwich stands at 1.7%, and Gingerbread at 1.9% (amazing how Gingerbread has greater market share). While Froyo is literally having its last moments on the chart, with 0.1% market share. 
Another point is to be noted that Android Marshmallow might take more time to reach the top than it is expected by many, since Android 7.0 is around the corner and Marshmallow will be the most affected device in the process of updates, slowing down its market share growth.



It is good to see newer versions of Android growing faster than the previous ones. Mainly because never OS are easier to integrate and work with slower devices, and also because companies have started to roll out updates to more devices than screwing up the old users by only launching new devices with the latest operating system, which has helped in faster shift of the market share from older OS to the new. 
Now as Android Nougat is about to be introduced, many companies are preparing for rolling out updates and testing devices. We will not be shocked if Nougat surpasses Marshmallow's pace.

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