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Niantic is about to introduce ads in Pokémon Go

Ads are coming to Pokemon Go



Pokémon Go is still being launched in various countries across Europe and the global rollout of the popular game by Niantic is still underway. Last time we talked about Pokémon Go shattering records, and that has surely attracted a great number of investors that Niantic has decided to introduce in-game ads to boost income from the widely popular game.

How will the ads work?


If you think of those ads to be just like those typical annoying in-app ads then breathe a sigh of relief, these ads are not the way you are thinking of them to be, but these apps will rather appear on your Pokémon map in form of "sponsored locations", something that means ads can be geo-targeted and will vary as per your location and can be used to drive customer inside businesses. Advertisers will be charged on the basis of "cost per visit" basis, that means you will have to pay Pokémon Go for every person that ends up at your business's content on the virtual map (apparently). 

Some smart brains 

Not everyone has waited for advertisement opportunities neither every business is willing to pay heaps of money for that. The biggest example is L’Inizio Pizza Bar in Long Island City whose owner purchased a 10$ Ingress to lure in customers, something that resulted in  number of customers increasing a whopping 75%. This is a tactic that has been applied by many other businesses to drive in customers, knowing the massive potential of the game.

Other Pokémon Go related marketing tactics

There are a number of tactics being applied by several businesses to attract customers, some of them are way too brilliant and worth taking a look:

The greatest thing about Pokémon is that its user base majorly consists on teenagers and early adults, which makes it a very attractive advertisement opportunity for any business since such types of customers have greater tendency to try new things. 


Though the daily revenues of Pokémon Go have already crossed beyond $1.5 million, but there is a lot of earning potential in the game and advertisements can unleash that potential. That'd be great to see advertisements with rewards for visiting them, that'll increase their effectiveness. We just hope that Niantic wont be spamming our Pokémon Go gameplay experience. 

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