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pureLifi is about to commercialize LiFi technology


LiFi is about to get commercialized




pureLiFi, a company breaking apart from the University of Edinburgh has been developing a technology that was named LiFi. This technology used to work as light bulbs being used as a source of data and LiFi adapters receiving the signal, enabling a data connection just like the WiFi, but using light rays/spectrum instead of radio signals.   

Acquired funding and commercializing


pureLiFi has just gained 7 million GBP from a series B funding, a round which is led by Singapore's leading firm investment. The startup says that the acquired funding will be used in commercializing the product that has been under experiments and demos for a number of years. We dont clearly remember when was the last time we heard of it since it secured a $2 million in a series A funding and then worked with a number of corporations to develop their LiFi dongle, the LiFi-X.


LiFi vs WiFi

It has often been stated that LiFi is faster than conventional WiFi, though we dont know if it is faster than the latest WiFi bands or not. Though LiFi is secure in one regard that light cannot pass through the walls of a room that means there will be no snooping, and you will not have to care about unwanted people using your network. Fun this about LiFi is that  you can use your existing lighting infrastructure (LED bulbs apparently) to add up more access points. That means you can expand your LiFi throughout your house just with the help of LED bulbs! (yes we are excited) Though one disadvantage is that your LiFi signals end with the light so it might be a trouble using it if you tend to stay in a corner or you're going outdoors. 
To enhance mobility, pureLiFi has created a LiFi dongle that receives signals from the light spectrum and can help you use LiFi on anything that comes with a USB 2.0 port.



Though WiFi is widely available and very common now and it will be a little tough for LiFI to make its place in the market, but it eventually will succeed because this technology is secure than WiFi, and faster (as promised). Though we dont really know when we get to see pureLiFi products in the markets, but it might still take some time. But that will be exciting to see smartphones and laptops getting equipped with LiFi adaption capability. Another thing that we like about LiFi is that it is cheap to add more access points since you can add up another LED bulb and there you go! No need to buy extra routers or extenders or extra cables, just plug in the bulb and it does the job. But for that we have to wait.

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