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Lenovo has announced its first phone that runs Windows 10, the SoftBank 503-LV 

Lenovo has introduced a windows phone



There was a time when Lenovo somehow, and somewhat, managed to have a firm spot in the global smartphone market with its popular Vibe range. Now it is usually in news either announcing top of the range devices or acquiring businesses (Hello, Moto!). Before that, the Chinese company was famous for its cheaper range of laptops that came with build quality and specifications as good as the other brands. Now they have been producing quality handsets at competitive prices, and selling millions of units. 
For those who dont know: Lenovo owns IBM's personal computer business, and Motorola (Now Moto).

SoftBank 503-LV

It was good yet weird to know about Lenovo now attempting to launch a Windows 10 device (something that we'll talk about below). However the existence of this device has been confirmed. SoftBank is basically a Japanese smartphone career that has tasked Lenovo for making a smartphone that runs Windows 10, hence leading to the announcement of this device form Lenovo. The SoftBank 502-LV apparently will remain limited to Japan since it is a carrier device and it only going to have cellular functions with Softbank's telecom network.  So most of us are not going to see this device physically, apparently. 


SoftBank 503-LV comes with a 5 inch 720P display, 3 gigs of RAM, 32GB on board storage. The rear comes with a 8 megapixel camera while the front camera is a 5 megapixel sensor. While the operating system is obviously Windows 10. The device looks like a typical android phone from the back (except for the Windows logo), while the front with Windows UI gives the device a Lumia-ish touch. The battery capacity is 2250 mAh. While we do not know which chipset is being used. But it's for sure that this device is a midrange/upper midrange device as per the specifications, so the processor is also going to be a modest one.


We were somewhat surprised when we read the headline about Lenovo announcing a Windows phone. Since Windows smartphones have not been much of a success against the great two of smartphone OS systems. It could be possible that SoftBank might be willing to do an experiment with Windows devices in Japan. Something that can be a ray of hope for Windows in smartphones (not really, though).

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