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The New Gmail Experience is here!

Awesomeness right from your Gmail Sign-In!
The world's most famous and most widely used email, Google Mail or simply Gmail, has gotten a major overhaul after years. The new mail is now available to most of the users globally right now. And even if you haven't found the option to switch to the new version, just sit back and relax as Google is trying its best to roll out the new Gmail to its 1.4 billion users as fast as possible. 

Look and Feel 



Although you can feel the change right from the beginning of Gmail's webpage as you proceed for your Gmail login. A simple yet aesthetically satisfying animation loads your Gmail account (in case if you have switched to the new Google  email) as you press the Gmail sign in button.
Although once you login, press the settings button on the right side of the screen and choose the first option try the new Gmail. Once you have pressed the button, Gmail will take you to the new mailbox. Although the new Gmail inbox doesnt seem as beautiful as the previous one despite the use of Google's famous material design, but trust us, the features do make up for it. We should mention that look of the inbox can be customized with three options to choose from in the display resolution section in settings; default,  comfortable,  and compact. Although when compared to the previous look, it is not that pleasing to the eyes.  


We remember pressing on that "create gmail account" button back in 2007 when Yahoo! Mail was still enjoying its days as the emperor of email services that dethroned Microsoft's Hotmail after a staunch competition. Back then, Gmail just was made available for public throughout the world after years of invitation based joining, and was becoming a growing platform that offered around 7GBs of storage which used to increase every second, although it was more secure and had better spam filtering even back then and it didn't take it much time to crown itself as the new king of email services (although in storage terms, Yahoo! Mail actually offered  practically unlimited storage back in 2007, and still offers a gigantic 1TB of storage). 
Anyway, let's proceed to knowing what new features Google's Email service is now offering!
  • Confidential Emails: Now you can send emails that will expire after a specified time and vanish.
  • 2 Factor  Authentication: Want to send an email with information that you think can be stolen? That's where 2FA comes in handy. this feature disallows the receiver to forward, copy paste, or print the mail's contents.
  • Snooze: Users of Google Pixel and Android One devices are already aware of this feature. This feature allows you to set a reminder on a mail that you need to check later on.
  • Anti-Pishing Scans: Email spoofing, redirecting of user via images to unsafe websites is now going to become a thing of the past with Gmail's new anti-pishing algorithm. 
  • Nudging: Forgot to respond to an email? Google will not remind you to respond to an email that it deems as important so that you dont miss out on any important mails. 
  • Attachments on Preview: This feature  is honestly a timesaver! Now the attachments of a mail can be seen as a preview in Google mail's default inbox settings, making it easier and super fast to access them!
  • Panel: The taskbar/panel on the right side of the inbox displays some features that include tasks and calendar. But if you click at the plus button at the bottom, it opens Gmail's Gsuite Marketplace that has dozens of useful add-ons for your Google Mail just like browser add-ons.



The development of Gmail is indeed captivating as the new update is going to give a whole new,  mesmerizing experience to Gmail users. Although the new Google Mail is currently not available on Gmail app on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. But it soon may be available on Gmail app, it's only a matter of time. Until then, Gmail's Desktop users will get to experience the new email goodness that deserves a slightly better look.

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