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Samsung has announced the first generation UFS cards 

Samsung has introduced UFS cards



Samsung has been widely known for its innovation and is one of the most popular brands in the world in all regards, thanks to its smartphone department. But Samsung doesn't only make smartphones but a number of cool gadgets too. Samsung has recently introduced its product line of first ever UFS or Universal Flash Storage cards which are the successors to the widely used microSD cards.

UFS vs microSD


The very first generation of UFS cards offer reading speeds of up to 520 MBs per second and writing speeds of 170 MBs per second, making them nearly twice as fast than the fastest available UHS-II cards. This is something that caters to the demand of faster memory as the size of all kinds of data has been increasing rapidly in size. We are yet to see if the future generations of UFS cards come with security encryption or not (that's be nice).


If you were planning to buy a UFS card for your current device, smartphone, notebook, or anything. Then let us break the deal because UFS cards are not compatible with conventional microSD card slots. Though Samsung has introduced slots for UFS that are backwards compatible with microSD cards, but this is not really going to help in this case, is it?
So all your current generation devices cannot run the UFS cards and you will have to change your device. Though he first device that might come with a UFS slot is rumored to be Samsung's own Galaxy Note7.


Though the Samsung has brought innovation and faster data transfer speeds on micro memory instruments, it is a gadget that is not compatible with billions and billions of devices that are currently in use. Which means that it'll take at least five more years for this memory option to be adopted completely. and the progress will be slow. MicroSD cards will rule over the micro memory devices for a longer time, possible till the end of the decade as they are cheap and their transfer rates are not that bad at all. It's not that we prefer microSD over something new, but we are not even exaggerating

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